
Compile stable software on Apple Mac¶

  1. Dual 2.0 G5, Mac OS X (10.4.9) Posted on Apr 4, 2007 12:01 PM Reply I have this question too I have this question too Me too Me too.
  2. RC-4(MAC): download now. RC-5(MAC): download now. RC-12: download now. RC-5 USB Temperature Data Logger. Elitech RCW-360 Plus 4G Wireless Temperature.

Mar 12, 2020 A bootable installer doesn't download macOS from the Internet, but it does require the Internet to get information specific to your Mac model, such as firmware updates. If you need to connect to a Wi-Fi network, use the Wi-Fi menu in the menu bar.

f3write and f3read can be installed on Mac, but currently f3probe, f3fix, andf3brew require Linux. To use them onMac, use the Docker Installation. For f3write and f3read, readon.

Using HomeBrew¶

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If you have Homebrew already installed in your computer, the commandbelow will install F3:

Using MacPorts¶

If you use MacPorts instead, use the following command:

Compiling the latest development version from the source code¶

Most of the f3 source code builds fine using XCode, the only dependencymissing is the GNU C library “argp”. You can build argp from scratch, oruse the version provided by HomeBrew and MacPorts as “argp-standalone”

The following steps have been tested on OS X El Capitan 10.11.

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  1. Install Apple command line tools:

See http://osxdaily.com/2014/02/12/install-command-line-tools-mac-os-x/for details.

  1. Install Homebrew or MacPorts


    See https://brew.sh/ for details.

    MacPorts: https://www.macports.org/install.php

  2. Install argp library:

    See http://brewformulas.org/ArgpStandalone andhttps://www.freshports.org/devel/argp-standalone/ for moreinformation.

    Or, for MacPorts:

    See https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/sysutils/f3/Portfilefor more information.

  3. Build F3:

    When using Homebrew, you can just run:

    When using MacPorts, you will need to pass the location where MacPortsinstalled argp-standalone:

USB Probe– USB configuration display utility

This utility can be used to show key elements of a USB device on a Mac system to allow us to configure the UPDD driver sufficient to connect to the device and capture touch data.

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The useful data that can be captured with this utility is:

  • USB Vendor id
  • USB Product id
  • USB Interface and Endpoint utilisation

With this information we should be able to configure UPDD to capture the touch data from the device. Please note this will only capture the touch data packet delivered to a Mac host which could be different to the data delivered to a multi-touch aware host, such as Windows 7 / 8, if using a multi-touch touch screen. Some touch screen USB controllers react to various USB commands sent from the host system and in the case of Windows 7 / 8 will deliver a multi-touch data packet and a single touch packet in other host systems. If your are using a multi-touch controller and we discover that a single touch packet is delivered to the Mac then you will have to capture a USB trace on a Windows 7 / 8 system to capture the USB command that switches the device into multi-touch mode. We can then send the same command from UPDD to enable multi-touch mode in other operating systems.

To capture USB configuration data on a Mac system download the USB Prober for either Snow Leopard or Lion (and above) and invoke the application. Once invoked, select the Bus Probe tab


and use the Save Output option to save the entire USB probe profile to a log file and send us the log file:

Example USB probe profiles for various touch screens

Touch screen with 1 Interface, 1 ‘In’ Endpoint

In this instance we can easily determine the endpoint used to deliver the touch data

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Touch screen with 1 interface, 2 endpoints, 1 ‘In’ endpoint

In this instance we can easily determine the endpoint used to deliver the touch data

Touch screen with 5 interfaces, each with 1 ‘in’ endpoint

In this case we would need to experiment to find out which interface was delivering the touch data. In this instance we happen to know the ‘multi-touch’ data is being delivered on interface 3:

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For further information or technical assistance please email the technical support team at technical@touch-base.com