
  1. Send Private Message Instagram
  2. Send Private Message In Teams
  3. Sending Private Messages Google Meet
  4. Sending Private Messages On Twitter
  • Apr 05, 2018 When using Decipher TextMessage, the user's data is all local and private on their computer. In addition to printing text messages, the program enables and iPhone user to save text messages as a PDF for safekeeping, legal purposes, or documentation. Again, once messages are read into Decipher TextMessage, the text messages can then be deleted.
  • When minimized, the Chat indicator will appear when there are unread chat messages available. To send a Private Chat: To private chat with another user, select their name (a pop-up menu will appear), choose Chat 1. A Private Chat panel will appear. To hide the panel, select either “.

Send Private Message Instagram

Sending Private Messages

How to send a private message in IRC depends on the IRC client you are using, and the IRC server configuration where you're connecting. However, using one of the below methods should allow you to send a private message to someone with most IRC chat clients.

Sending Private Messages

Send Private Message In Teams

And if you still want to receive notifications when you receive messages in your private threads, here’s an option to customize the notifications to use an app icon, notification title.


Before sending someone a private message, practice good etiquette by asking for permission. Also, if that user is ignoring all private messages, your messages to that user are ignored.

Double-click on username

Sending Private Messages

Double-click on the username. If supported, a private chat with that user should appear.

Query or msg user

Using the /query or /msg commands also open a private chat with that user. Below are examples of how these commands are used. In both of these examples, we are sending a private message to the user with the name hope and the message hello. If you want to open a blank chat, the message can also be left out.


Some clients also allow users to shortcut /m instead of the /msg command to privately send messages.

Additional information

  • See the chat, IRC, and private message definitions for further information and related links.

How to send a private message in IRC depends on the IRC client you are using, and the IRC server configuration where you're connecting. However, using one of the below methods should allow you to send a private message to someone with most IRC chat clients.


Before sending someone a private message, practice good etiquette by asking for permission. Also, if that user is ignoring all private messages, your messages to that user are ignored.

Double-click on username

Double-click on the username. If supported, a private chat with that user should appear.

Query or msg user

Using the /query or /msg commands also open a private chat with that user. Below are examples of how these commands are used. In both of these examples, we are sending a private message to the user with the name hope and the message hello. If you want to open a blank chat, the message can also be left out.

TipSending Private Messages

Some clients also allow users to shortcut /m instead of the /msg command to privately send messages.

Sending Private Messages Google Meet

View your private messages

Additional information

Sending Private Messages On Twitter

  • See the chat, IRC, and private message definitions for further information and related links.