Learning has never been so easy!
  1. Smokeping For Windows 10
  2. Smokeping Centos 8
  3. Install Smokeping On Windows Media Player

Smokeping Cookbook (2.0.0) debian, ubuntu. Knife supermarket install smokeping knife supermarket download smokeping. See the smokepinginstall document. 1.38 to 1.40 The new navigation feature. The big visible difference between 1.38 and 1.40 is the new browser navigation feature: when clicking on the graphs in detail view you can select different time ranges for the graph. The creation of this feature has been sponsored by BeverlyCorp.com. Installing and configuring SmokePing. The installation is quite simple because SmokePing exists already in the package repository. To proceed, enter the command below.

This is a walkthrough on how to build a cheap and effecient latency monitor . It is built on a Raspberry Pi computer that is cheap (less than $70 for the mainboard, case, power supply, and storage device.) This setup will use less power than a normal computer (I measured my Raspberry Pi model B+ running at 3 watts!) That last thing I really like about this method of monitoring is that the Raspberry Pi is a completely solid state device, and as such it should last for many years beyond what a normal computer or server can function.

**Note: This guide assumes that you have a DHCP on your network and a functional internet connection.

13 Steps total

Step 1: Setup your SD card and install Raspian


Step 2: Change passwords as appropriate

Step 3: Login as pi

default password is: 'raspberry'

Step 4: Update all installed packages:

- Type: 'sudo apt-get update' and press ENTER
- Type: 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and press ENTER

Step 5: Install smokeping and sendmail:


- Type: 'sudo apt-get install smokeping sendmail' and press ENTER

Step 6: Enable a2enmod in apache

- Type: 'sudo a2enmod cgi' and press Enter

Step 7: Create list of targets to monitor with smokeping:

- Type: 'sudo nano /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets' and press ENTER

---a. On line 6 you can change “Network Latency Grapher” to anything you would like displayed at the top of the main webpage.
---b. On line 7 you can change the remark to anything you would like to display below the title of the main page.
---c. At the bottom of the text file you can add nested links to various addresses you would like to monitor. You can nest links by how many “+” signs you have in front of the link header.
---d. At the bottom of the file add some hosts to monitor. (omit the quotes):

+ myservers

menu = My Servers
title = My servers for my company

Smokeping For Windows 10

++ Server1

menu = Server1
title = Server1 (IP-
host =
alerts = hostdown

++ Server2

menu = Server2
title = Server2 (note about server)
host =

+ Routers

menu = Routers
title = Routers for my company

++ Router1

menu = Router
title = Main Router
host =
alerts = hostdown

+ Internet

menu = Internet
title = Internet Latency to Google DNS
host =

* Save the changes you made to the file:
* Press CTRL + X
* Press Y
* Press ENTER

Step 8: Setup alerts to email you when a host goes offline

- Type: 'sudo nano /etc/smokeping/config.d/Alerts' and press ENTER

- Change the 'to = xxxxxx@domain.com' to your email address or distribution group.

- Add the following at the bottom of the text (but omit the quotes):
#This Alert checks for one period (1 * 5mins) of more than 60% loss
type = loss
pattern = >60%
edgetrigger = yes
comment = Host is OFFLINE

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
comment = loss 3 times in a row

# This rule checks for one period (2 * 5mins) of >60% loss
type = loss
# in percent
pattern = >60%,>60%
edgetrigger = yes
comment = Host is OFFLINE

# This is an alert for Lorraine
type = loss
pattern = >60%,>60%,>60%
edgetrigger = yes
comment = Lorraine - You turned your computer off so it wont be backed up. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR COMPUTER ON OVERNIGHT.
to = lorraine@domain.com

# This alert is for Bob
type = loss
pattern = >60%,>60%,>60%
edgetrigger = yes
comment = Bob - You turned your computer off so it wont be backed up. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR COMPUTER ON OVERNIGHT.
to = bobb@domain.com

# This alert is for Dan
type = loss
pattern = >60%,>60%,>60%
edgetrigger = yes
comment = Dan - You turned your computer off and now it wont be backed up. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR COMPUTER ON OVERNIGHT.
to = danb@domain.com

# This is an alert for JoAnn
type = loss
pattern = >60%,>60%,>60%
edgetrigger = yes
comment = JoAnn - You turned your computer off and now it wont be backed up. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR COMPUTER ON OVERNIGHT.
to = joannh@domain.com

# This alert is for Mark
type = loss
pattern = >60%,>60%,>60%
edgetrigger = yes
comment = Mark - You turned your computer off and now it wont be backed up. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR COMPUTER ON OVERNIGHT.
to = markb@domain.com

* Save the changes you made to the file:
* Press CTRL + X
* Press Y
* Press ENTER

Step 9: Configure access to your SMTP (email) server

- Type: 'sudo nano /etc/smokeping/config.d/General' and press ENTER

- On Line 3 change 'Peter Random' to your name.
- On line 4 change 'some@address.nowhere' to your email address.
- On line 5 change 'my.mail.host' to the DNS name or IP address of your SMTP server.

* Save the changes you made to the file:
* Press CTRL + X
* Press Y
* Press ENTER

Step 10: Reboot the RaspberryPi:

Type “sudo reboot” and press ENTER

Step 11: Check the webpage of your new latency monitor!

http://hostname/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi (example: http://smokeping/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi if your rPi's hostname is 'smokeping')

Note: if you see errors on the webpage then you may need to reboot the RaspberryPi and wait for 15-20 minutes for data to be generated.

Step 12: .

Step 13: Spice up this article so other admins can find it too!

Smokeping Centos 8

Published: Oct 17, 2014 · Last Updated: Jan 18, 2018


Install Smokeping On Windows Media Player

  • Chipotle
    xTROUBLEx Oct 21, 2014 at 12:34am

    very interresting thanks for the share will use this on my raspberry that is laying around somewhere

  • Sonora
    robbie strong Jan 13, 2015 at 06:14pm

    I set this up, and it works very well. Thank you very much for your post!

  • Pimiento
    timpulver Jun 16, 2016 at 07:56pm

    After following instructions, I type the link into a browser and get nothing.. Can this only be accessed via the local network?

  • Cayenne
    JakeBar Jun 16, 2016 at 08:04pm

    @timpulver - yes, this is only for LAN access. If you want to access it online then you will have to know your public IP address and forward port 80 to the internal ip of the smokeping server.

  • Pimiento
    timpulver Jun 16, 2016 at 08:10pm

    Thanks for the Fast reply, unfortunately I still am not able to access it locally either.

    Is there a step needed to enable the web server portion of the PI? This is a newly installed version of Raspain Jessie

  • Cayenne
    JakeBar Jun 16, 2016 at 08:20pm

    try putting the Pi's ip address in place of the hostname -

    also, i seem to remember that you have to wait for one period (default = 5 min) before everything starts running well.

  • Pimiento
    Stephan2225 Apr 25, 2017 at 03:22pm

    i follow your instractions step by step. But my Raspberry shows always an error:
    The requested URL /cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi was not found on this server

    What to do?


  • Pimiento
    Stephan2225 Apr 25, 2017 at 05:00pm

    ok, i found out:

    a2enmod cgi

    is the solution....


  • Pimiento
    timbrady2 Apr 25, 2017 at 10:08pm

    I followed all of your instructions excluding steps 7 and 8. I can't seem to access the page. I keep getting the error - The requested URL [raspberr]/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi was not found on this server. I also tried [raspberry IP]/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi as well. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.

  • Pimiento
    spicehead-fvbi3 Sep 4, 2019 at 06:33pm

    My apologies if this isn't the right place for this. I've been trying to find a reference on how to bind smokeping/fping to a particular interface. I see where you can specify the source address but I'm using an RPi as a portable analysis tool to leave at customer sites when they're having issues - so it will usually be a DHCP address i.e. I won't know the source IP ahead of time. Do you know of a way to do this or could you point me in the right direction. Thank you.

  • Pimiento
    spicehead-d2hhk Aug 19, 2020 at 12:31pm

    I'm wondering if `sendmail` is no longer a requirement in 2020
    I see no reference to it in the spokeping docs