
  1. Java Web Start Mac Catalina
  2. Java Web Start Mac Mojave
  3. Java Web Start Download
  4. Java Web Start For Mac Os X

It’s no secret that there have been some issues within the last few years between the folks at Apple, and the folks at Oracle, who now own the rights to the Java language and software engines. Due to several security concerns, Apple, along with several other developers, have adjusted their approach to running Java apps and applets in order to protect consumers from potentially-dangerous code being run on their machines. On paper, this sounds like a good strategy to ensure the safety of user information.

One way Java apps are distributed is called Java Web Start (see here for more information on this technology). These are small files that are downloaded and executed, as opposed to embedded code within a webpage. You can get around it by giving 'Full Disk Access' (System Preferences Security & Privacy) to '/System/Library/CoreServices/Java Web Start.app'. One way Java apps are distributed is called Java Web Start (see here for more information on this technology). These are small files that are downloaded and executed, as opposed to embedded code within a webpage.

But what if you legitimately have a need to run a Java app? There are so many different versions of Java Runtime Engines (also known as JRE, or the environment in which Java code is executed on an operating system) that finding the right combination can be tricky. Once you *do* find the correct version (or versions), security concerns such as the ones previously mentioned may still keep these apps from performing properly.

One way Java apps are distributed is called Java Web Start (see here for more information on this technology). These are small files that are downloaded and executed, as opposed to embedded code within a webpage. By default on several operating systems, including Apple’s OS X, these files are not executed automatically, which means they act as a regular download that must be double-clicked (or Command-O, for the keyboard fanatics out there like me) in order to run. While this isn’t a complete roadblock, it does diminish the convenience factor. Thankfully, there’s a way to get these programs to run automatically as they are downloaded, using Apples wonderful Automater tool. Here’s how:

I am new to the Mac OS and to Java Web Start. Using Java Web Start to launch a Java application on the Mac is discussed in several of the posts here. However, in the requirement section of the Overview for Java Web Start says 'Requirements Desktop/Client requirements: The client machine requires support for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE. OpenWebStart is available for macOS, Windows and Linux. The recommended minimum system requirements of OpenWebStart itself are: 2 GHz dual core processor 1 GB RAM (system memory).

Note: The screenshots in this document are tailored towards Apples most-recent version of OS X, Yosemite. If you are on an older version of OS X, the pictures and steps may not match up perfectly.

  • From your Macintosh system, launch the Automater tool. This can be done by selecting it from the Launchpad, typing “Automater” into the Spotlight search field, or simply locating the icon in your Applications Folder.
  • When Automater opens up, you can click “New Document” to create a blank document. This will open up the New Document wizard.
  • We will be creating what is called a Folder Action workflow, so click to highlight the “Folder Action” icon, and then click the Choose button. A folder action workflow will perform a task any time the folder being monitored receives new files or folders within it.
  • First, we need to specify the folder we want to perform this action on. Normally, this will be the “Downloads” folder, since this is where the downloaded Java Web Start files will be placed by default. From the drop-down in the upper right, select “Other…” and browse to the Downloads folder. Once that folder is opened, click the Choose button, and the drop-down should now read “Downloads”.
  • Now we need to tell the workflow what action to perform. In the left-hand column, listed under “Library” are all the categories of actions we can choose from. Select “Utilities”, and all the utilities will come up in the next column. From that middle column, drag-and-drop “Run Shell Script” to the workflow column on the right, and it will add it as a step.
  • Next, we need to configure the Shell Script action a little. Next to the “Shell:” dropdown, make sure the value is set to “/bin/bash” so that the BASH shell is used to execute the script. Then, on the right-hand side next to “Pass input:”, make sure it reads “as arguments”.
  • Lastly, we need to input the shell script in question, as the default value of “cat” will not do what we need to do. Copy and paste the contents of the text box below into the shell script window. This script will search for any Java Web Start files (*.jnlp), and if it finds any, it will run the Java Web Start engine on them, and then delete them (so your downloads folder doesn’t get cluttered up).
  • Once this is done, you can now save your Automater workflow from the File menu, or hit Command-S. I have titled mine “Java WebStart Downloads.workflow” so that i can easily find it in the coming steps.
  • One last step is to activate the workflow for the downloads folder. Open up a Finder window, and go to your home folder by either selecting it from the Go menu in the menu bar, or hitting Command-Shift-H on your keyboard. This will allow you to see the Downloads folder in the Finder window itself, instead of just on the sidebar.
  • Perform a secondary click (also known as a right-click) on the Downloads folder and select “Services”, and then “Folder Action Setup”. This brings up the Folder Actions Setup window.
  • From the list of available actions, select your workflow, “Java WebStart Downloads.workflow” in my case, and click Attach. You will now see your Downloads folder in the lefthand column (with checkmark checked), and your workflow in the righthand column (also with checkmark checked). That’s it. Your Java Web Start documents will now automatically open, and then be removed.

Now, whenever a .jnlp file is downloaded or otherwise placed in your Downloads folder, Automater will run (you will see a spinning gear in the top right of the menu bar). Once the Jawa Web Start file is finished, the gear will go away.

Note: The script used in this example is specifically designed for opening .jnlp files, however it can be easily adjusted to perform roughly any task on any type of file. This, however, is outside of the scope of this post.

While you’re at it, check out some of these sites for more Automator workflow ideas.

    (Please note, the following sites are not affiliated with Byteworks)

Java Web Start Mac Catalina

I'm pretty sure my problem is about the same. Basically I cant install the Java 7 update cause I get an error message during download telling me I dont have mac os x 10.7 or higher....but I do. The Oracle Java update for Lion just isnt recognizing it! I have mac os x lion 10.7.5 on my laptop and for some reason, certain Pogo games wont load...it says its loading but never does and just closes. I went to the help page, did what it said, I scanned for current updates, installed them, rebooted then went back to Pogo and clicked on the java test link to see what version im running. I got the error 'missing plug in' so I clicked on it and was taken to Java's website for instructions, clicked 'Download Java for Mac OS X,' then hit sytem requirements and saw that I had to be running os x 10.7.3 or above and I have 10.7.5. I was good to go, hit download and now Im here! Annoyed and confused beause updates and upgrades are pretty basic and simple. You either meet the system requirements or you dont. I meet them but cant get them cause it says I dont....its a viscious cycle and Im rambling like a madwoman! Is there an easy yes or no answer to this, maybe a follow steps 1,2,3 A,B,C you can post for non computer savvy moms? LOL I just want the handful of Pogo games I used to be able to play, to play again...nothing complicated! And why is it only some games and not all of them? Dont answer that, my hair already hurts...haha

Java Web Start Mac Mojave


Java Web Start Download

Im not much of a computer person, but Im sure thats more than obvious, so my apologies if my problem has nothing to do with this one....tell me where to go or what forum to read thru for help. I also want to pologize in advance for the help Im gonna need after I get this updated! lol I hear the update has something screwy with the plugins being enabled and that its another nightmare with this whole new oracle java deal. Hmmm, maybe I shouldnt even do this java update. 😕 😁

Java Web Start For Mac Os X

Nov 29, 2012 2:37 PM