After, you can run a network test or start your day as usual and hopefully the internet issue will have been resolved. Disable or Pause OneDrive or Cloud-based Apps. It may be that your laptop works completely fine, but apps may be causing bandwidth issues that make your internet hang for a second. The biggest culprit for this can be cloud.

  1. The key to solving Internet connection drops is using an app that can allow your device to use all the available connections. That way, the overall Internet connectivity would not be affected. Speedify is a fast bonding VPN that allows your device to use 2 or more connections at the same time. This includes one or multiple Wi-Fi, cellular.
  2. One moment you’re absolutely dominating in your online game while downloading some movies (legally, of course), and the next moment you can barely load a simple web page.

√ Best Answer



HighInternet Speed Starts High Then Drops

lotus6191779 days ago

Internet Speed Test Starts High Then Drops

Internet Speed Starts High Then Drops

Internet Speed Starts High Then Drops Blood Pressure

I have had experience of the situation you stated. Do you have Windows 10 and did this problem occur AFTER that Nov update? If so, your problem sounds exactly like mine and hundreds of other people. Apparently Microsoft will have a patch with a fix soon, I hope.
Are you totally sure that you are on the internet, or might you be connected to the modem, but no I-net access. If you use the troubleshooter does it tell you that, ' One or more network settings are missing on this computer'? This occurred after that update in November.
Right now, many people have offered fixes (at the Microsoft forums), but as soon as you know you do not have I-net access (you can find this out by checking the I-net icon in your tray) or, of course, your browser soon tells you.. The icon has a yellow part where there is no color if connected.
I corrected it simply by restarting. It has been perfect since I started doing it, and so long as you did the same thing with success, check the MS forum for the update.
I hope this helps.

Internet Speed Starts High Then Drops Low

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